
20170212_090228_002Pronouns: She/her

Species: of the feminist-witch variety

Favourite gem: Garnet

Manthipe Moila is a Jo’burg-born Honours student at the university currently known as Rhodes. She likes babies, dry red wine, chocolate and thick books. Her hobbies include collecting Twitter memes that she will probably never use, being aggressively passive aggressive, avoiding people she secretly does not like, jogging, learning about natural hair, pretending to be into meditation, pretending to be clever, and – of course – reading and writing. If you ever catch her talking to herself, she is probably just writing a poem or short story out loud; stop being judgmental and go away.

Murmurs is her personal poetry blog. The words uploaded onto this blog are hers, unless otherwise stated.

She might start uploading short stories. She doesn’t know yet.

Her poem “Writing you Small” appears on the Aerodrome website.  She also has a poem in Typecast’s third issue called “Still”. Her short story, “Everybody quiet”  was published in the first online issue of Typecast.

She would like you to go read one of her poems now. Go.